Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kukui Cup Tech's 1st Milestone

After weeks of working with Joomla, I now have the ability to create and manage simple websites. I've learned a lot since we started working on the Kukui Cup project. This post will go through the implemented functionalities that can be used for the Kukui Cup competition.

This is the public home page. I made it so that public and registered users see different articles on the front page of the website. My public front page contains an RSS feed to's energy news and a sample chart made from Google Docs using their Visualization API. The energy news feed keeps the public on news that relates to the goals of this project such as energy literacy. The chart can be used to track of the daily energy usage of the participating buildings.

Another working feature for the Joomla mockup site is the implementation of UH CAS Login. I implemented it using the External Authentication plug in for Joomla. Once installed and configured, a UH user can login in fine. The only problem right now is the Logout part of this plugin. The CAS login uses session that the browser stores in memory. The plugin doesn't destroy the session instance when logging out. This results in the previous session being reused if someone tries to login right after a logout. I'm still working on getting this problem fixed. The author of the plugin is currently unavailable because he is helping with the next release of Joomla. He won't be updating the plugin until around summer time.

Once logged in, a different frontpage will be seen by the user. The registered user has access other parts of the website now. The frontpage now has a Google Calendar that would lists events for the competition. A Google Gadget is also implemented in the registered user's frontpage. For now a gadget that displays the top Green Products at Amazon is good to have. Later on the Stoplight gadget would be added to this page once its done. There's also a User Menu module on the left side which can be expanded as needed later on in the competition. The Latest Discussion module shows the latest posts from the competition forum. A workflow module is also implemented on the right. This can be useful later on for the competition administrator.

The next part is the Discussion Forum for the competition. The administrator can tweak this forum for whatever the needs of the project website. This forum is implemented by installing the Kunena plugin. The cool part of this is that it's fully integrated in the project website meaning its not running on another database. This eliminates the need for dual logins. Every website user would have a forum account automatically.

The standings page shows the implementation of two charts using Google Visualization API. Both were made from Google Docs spreadsheet. This makes it very easy and simple to create charts that shows the buildings' energy consumption. It's also easy to update the charts. Simply update the spreadsheet and Google Docs and the charts should be updated.

-David Joel Lazaro


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