Monday, November 16, 2009

WattDepot Ekahi Version 2.0

This assignment enabled us to correct the mistakes we made in the first version of our WattDepot system. Armed with better knowledge after being reviewed by our peers, our group made sure that the second version of our system is way better than the first. The main fix that we had to do was refactoring our code and break it up in different classes for each commands. Doing this enabled us to clean up the system. It also made test cases easier to do because we now have each commands return something rather than being void.

After doing the refactoring, we were able to implement the commands in a much more efficient way. We took many unnecessary codes out also. I believe that we were able to fix most of the issues that the reviewers have raised. The design of the system went from having one giant class to each commands being in their own class. At the end of it, we were able to get a 62% coverage in our system. I think if we worked on it some more then we could easily bring that coverage up.

My partner (Paul Galiza) and I worked pretty well as a team. We both had other things to do outside of this class but we were still able to pull through and work as a team with no problem. We met outside of class to work on the system as much as we can. In our group, we pretty much just worked on whatever was needed to be done. I think we both did a good job of carrying our weight when it comes to working on the system.

A new concept that was introduced to us while building this version of the system is Software ICU. Software ICU is a way of tracking the "health" of our project by monitoring the vital signs of the system. To do this, we used the system called hackystat. In a nutshell, hackystat monitored almost everything that we did involving the project. The screen shot above shows the current health of our system. Although it could be improved, our group really worked hard on getting the system up and running with minimal flaws.

The following questions are something that we are able to answer after getting our system up and running:
  • What day and time during the month was Oahu energy usage at its highest? How many MW was this?
    The timestamp 2009-11-02T20:00:00.000-10:00 netted a high 995MW.
  • What day and time during the month was Oahu energy usage at its lowest? How many MW was this?
    The timestamp 2009-11-02 netted a low 493MW.
  • What day during the month did Oahu consume the most energy? How many MWh was this?
    No available data found for this month to answer this question.
  • What day during the month did Oahu consume the least energy? How many MWh was this?
    No available data found for this month to answer this question.
  • What day during the month did Oahu emit the most carbon (i.e. the "dirtiest" day)? How many lbs of carbon were emitted?
    The timestamp 2009-11-05 is one of the dirtiest day which emitted 29,959 lbs or carbon.
  • What day during the month did Oahu emit the least carbon (i.e. the "cleanest" day)? How many lbs of carbon were emitted?
    The timestamp 2009-11-07 is one of the cleanest day which emitted only 22,908 lbs of carbon.
Click here to download the Ekahi branch of the WattDepot system.

-David Joel Lazaro


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