Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Joomla module madness

Wow this has to be the most challenging milestone so far. After learning that there's no pre-made module out there that would satisfy the UseCaseActivity, we had to come up with our own component. Unfortunately we didn't satisfy every single requirements for this milestone but I feel like we still accomplished something because our team had to create the component from scratch. So without further ado, lets do a quick tour of what I worked on for this milestone. By the way, before I continue, most of the work I've done was for the back-end of the system.

The first screen shot shows the back-end login screen. Here we have two login modules. One can login with a regular Joomla username and password, and the other uses UH's CAS login service. The UH CAS login module will probably be the main module used for logging in. I just left the other module on so that if the CAS service is down, I'm still able to login to the system. I also finally managed to fix the bug that won't delete the cookie that stores the CAS login information. Now whenever someone logs out of the back-end, they would be prompted to sign in again by UH CAS service.

The next screen shows the back-end's home page. Our main focus here is the addition of Activity Manager in the components menu. Clicking that menu item will take us to the component's main page.

So here is what we have so far in terms of the admin side of the component. Shown here is the main page of the UseCaseActivity component that we created. We have preloaded some sample activities as show in the image. Most of the menu button at the top works except the publish/unpublish buttons. Those are still a work in progress. So far, this component is able to create, edit, and delete an activity. We made the activities in the table linkable so that if we click on one of them, it will take us to the edit page where we can change the details of the activity.

Here is the page with all the forms that we need to fill out to publish an activity. This part was a real pain in the butt to create because the tutorial I was following is outdated. For some odd reason, the Joomla class that I was using was renamed in the new API update. After that problem was fixed it was smooth sailing.

In this screen shot we see the database part of the component. I had to create the table that would hold the information we submit from the forms page. The administrator would never deal with this part of the website. I'm just showing it to show that the component is indeed saving the information the right way.

This last screen shot shows our updated DeveloperGuide. We've added information about our current component development. There's still many things to do and a lot that we can improve for this Joomla prototype. My hope is that we don't get shuffled around and continue developing for this project. *Crossing fingers*

-David Joel Lazaro


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