This robot's strategy is simple yet very effective. It simply moves along the walls of the battlefield. If it scans an enemy, it fires right at it. It is also smart enough to move to the opposite wall when it hits an enemy.
This robot clearly has destruction on its agenda. It scans the battlefield for an enemy by spinning around. Once it finds one, it goes towards the enemy and rams it. It then starts shooting at the enemy but it doesn't kill it right way. It scans the enemy's health to lower its firing power because it wants to destroy by ramming into it.
This robot moves in a circle the whole time. It moves away a little when it hits a wall or an enemy so that it can continue to move in circles. Once it scans an enemy, it fires at it while moving in circles. This makes it hard to fire back at it because of its movement.
This robot moves in a "crazy" pattern. It's movement loops in left and right turns. It reverses direction when it hits the wall or an enemy. When it scans an enemy, it also fires right at it.
This robot just sits in one position and rotates its gun to scan for an enemy. If the enemy is within 50 pixels and the Fire robot has at least 50 percent life, it fires a more powerful bullet. When an enemy rams into it, it turns its gun to that enemy and fires strong bullets at it. The only movement this robot does is when it gets hit by a bullet. It turns perpendicular to the bullet and moves out of the way.
Sitting Duck
This robot does absolutely nothing in terms of movement, tracking, and firing.
This robot goes to a corner of the battlefield then moves its gun back and forth to scan for the enemy. If this robot sees an enemy before getting to the corner, it stops and fires at that enemy. Its firing power is based on the distance from the enemy robot. The closer the enemy, the stronger the bullet gets. Also, if this robot dies before most of the enemy robots, it picks a different corner to go to for the next round.
This robot scans the battlefield with its gun for an enemy. Once it sees one, it locks on to it. It then moves closer to the enemy and fires at it. It will continue to follow that enemy until it's destroyed. When this robot runs into an enemy besides the one its tracking, that enemy becomes its new target. It also does a cool victory dance at the end of the round.
-David Joel Lazaro
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