Monday, September 21, 2009

Robot's First Shot at Glory

My last entry was about deciphering the enemies' strategy. Now it's time to implement what I learned and build my first competitive robot. My first shot at glory is probably the most basic robot out there. But don't let it fool you. It was able to beat five out of the eight sample robots that I reviewed in my last blog.

When I was trying to figure out the movement of this robot, my main concern was to avoid being hit by a bullet. I figured I might was well keep it simple for now and just move back and forth in the battle field. The movement was actually quiet effective for most of the sample robots. I also made it so that when it hits a wall, it turns around and move forward a bit to avoid hitting the wall again. DaBeast also borrowed some move from RamFire. When it hits an enemy robot, it turns to face it, then fires hard. For targeting, I simply made my robot's gun go 360 each turn to track the enemy. I made this robot so that it comes out guns blazing. It really goes for the kill as it fires a hard shot every time.

DaBeast can reliably beat Crazy, Fire, Corners, Tracker, and SittingDuck. In reality, as much as we want to, we can't really win them all. DaBeast has a hard time defeating Walls, RamFire, and SpinBot. I think I'm going to take a different route next time and modify what I believe is the best sample robot which is the Walls. The Walls robot is the most elusive one to defeat and tweaking it could make it even more deadly.

Click here if you guys want to try out DaBeast.

-David Joel Lazaro


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